Media information Rakennussanomat (Building News Finland) Uncommitted trade- and newspaper, 43rd Annual set 2019 Publisher: Pelipeitto Oy Company
Publication: 10 issues/year
Printing house: Salon Lehtitehdas, SALO Distribution: by post/address by mail/ Fair delivery from our own stands Circulation: 21 040 copies (11.12.2016) Additional delivery varying (Fairs etc.)
Target groups of basic delivery: - Members of Finnish association of consulting firms (SKOL) 100 %
- Engineering-, architect- and planning offices
- building companies
- Cold technology companies
- Companies for LVIS (heating, ventilation, water, electricity)
- Contractors
- Municipalities, municipal building offices, -committees & environmental centres (100 %)
- Companies of waste management
- Technical schools & universities
- Other public communities (building industry departments)
- Ground and ground installation contractors & transport companies
- Member companies of association of masters of painting (100%)
- Members of steel building association (100 %)
- Members of asbestos building association (100 %)
- Members of roof contractors association (100 %)
- Member companies of building joiners association (100 %)
- Master mason contractors (100 %)
- Member companies of mechanical woodworking network (Varsipuu ry + Puulinkki) (100 %)
- Public & technical libraries
- Wire & tube companies
Advertisement rates: Frontpage: EUR 2.200,00 + VAT 22%, or according to the agreement Back: EUR 1.950,00 + VAT 22%, or according to the agreement Inside pages: EUR 1,40/mm + VAT 22% Special prices: 1/1-page, insides: EUR 1400,00 + VAT 22 % ½-page, insides: EUR 850,00 + VAT 22 % Special prices only for members of Finnish Wood & Wood builders Association, Environmental centres, communities, schools and universities All prices including 4-colours. Advertisement materials by e-mail (Pdf) direct to with advertisement order. DEADLINE for advertisements: 5 days before publishing day. For more information: MD Harri Kumpulainen, tel. +358 40 507 2453 or Sales Manager Tero Jokinen, tel. +358 40 507 0909